Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Packages
  • Presenting Sponsor

    $25,000 provides 7 families with a safe haven in our shelter for 30-45 days, where they will receive counseling, education, legal services, and emotional support as they start their healing journey.

    • 5 social media posts (3400+ followers) | E-Newsletter acknowledgment with link to website 
    • Recognition in our invitation as our Presenting Sponsor (must be received by December 20, 2024)
    • Two Presenting-level tables of 8, with personalized waiter service
    • Presenting-level listing in event program
    • Presenting-level digital recognition including projected logo
    • Presenting-level recognition on WSLB’s website including logo

    Includes 16 admission tickets
  • Platinum Sponsor

    $15,000 will allow us to reach 750 Long Beach Unified middle and high school students with classroom presentations designed to teach them how to create healthy teen dating relationships and prevent teen dating violence.

    • 3 social media posts (3400+ followers)| E-Newsletter acknowledgment with link to website
    • Recognition in our invitation (must be received by February 20, 2025)
    • Platinum-level table for 8 people Listing in the event program
    • Platinum-level digital recognition, including projected logo 
    • Recognition on WSLB’s website, including logo 

    Includes 8 admission tickets
  • Gold Sponsor

    $10,000 will cover the entire cost of our annual 2025 Youth Conference, attended by 300 twelve- to eighteen-year olds in order to learn the dynamics of healthy and loving relationships 

    • 1 social media post (3400+ followers) | E-Newsletter acknowledgment with link to website
    •  Recognition in event invitation (must be received by December 20, 2024)
    • Gold-level table for 8 people Listing in the event program
    • Digital recognition, including projected logo
    • Recognition on WSLB’s website, including logo 

    Includes 8 admission tickets
  • Silver Sponsor

    $5,000 will enable WSLB to provide in-house legal services for 50 families needing restraining orders to protect themselves and their children.

    • E-Newsletter acknowledgment
    • Silver-level table for 8 people Listing in event program
    • Digital recognition, including projected logo
    • Recognition on WSLB’s website, including logo

    Includes 8 admission tickets
  • Bronze Sponsor

    $2,500 provide critically needed car seats, furniture, strollers, backpacks, and kitchen supplies, in order to move into their new homes.

    • Bronze-level table for 8 people
    • Listing in event program
    • Digital recognition, including projected logo
    • Recognition on WSLB’s website, including logo

    Includes 8 admission tickets
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