Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Packages
  • $25,000

    Prevent Children from Entering the Foster Care System

    A gift of $25,000 will support the hiring of a parent partner for our parenting clients to prevent family separation by ensuring they have the tools, resources, and support needed to provide a safe and loving home.

    • Title sponsorship

    • Inclusion in all marketing materials and on social media

    • Verbal recognition during live program

    • E-newsletter feature to audience of 4,000+

    • Reserved seating for 10

    Includes 10 admission tickets
  • $10,000

    Stop the Foster Care to Homelessness Pipeline

    A gift of $10,000 provides housing advocacy and tangible support to 5 transition age youth so they can secure their own apartment or dorm room before leaving the foster care system.

    • Inclusion in all marketing materials and on social media

    • Verbal recognition during live program

    • E-newsletter feature to audience of 4,000+

    • Reserved seating for 8

    Includes 8 admission tickets
  • $5,000

    Invest in Success

    A gift of $5,000 enables CLC’s education team to access independent learning assessments for 5 clients so we can advocate for the appropriate educational services and support.

    • Inclusion in all marketing materials and on social media

    • Verbal recognition during live program

    • Reserved seating for 6

    Includes 6 admission tickets
  • $2,500

    Fund a Need

    A gift of $2,500 fulfills a critical need for a child or youth that has gone unmet. Give the gift of new clothing, food, rental support, access to enrichment activities, and more!

    • Inclusion in marketing materials and on social media

    • 4 tickets

    Includes 4 admission tickets
  • $1,000

    Give Joy

    A gift of $1,000 gives a birthday or graduation gift to 50 children and teens whose special days would otherwise go unnoticed.

    • Inclusion in marketing materials and on social media

    • 2 tickets

    Includes 2 admission tickets
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